Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Doctor Who Mega-Review! Episode 2 - The Cave of Skulls

We pick back up with the good Doctor after the TARDIS has landed somewhere new. Turns out, somewhere new is ten thousand or so years in the past. Cavemen and shit, yo. 

A good bit of this episode is spent setting up the back story between the cavemen. One wants to make fire. Another one thinks he's full of it and demands to be leader. This is all in English, by the way, for reasons we'll find out later. The rebel caveman finds The Doctor in the middle of lighting his cigar, freaks out, and abducts him. Apparently, this old man can make fire from his fingers. And they need fire. On the list of primary things in a caveman's life, this is right up there with "Eat" and "Not Die."

Susan, Ian, and Barbara find The Doctor, trying to tell these primitive screwheads that without matches, he can't make fire. After the worst ambush in history, all four of them end up prisoners in the titular Cave of Skulls, so called because of the skulls. In it.

Overall, lots of mumbo-jumbo about how Klerg is best and Derp can make fire, and Klerg calls him on his bullshit. Surprisingly little Doctor action in this one, he's unconscious or not present for a good amount of time. He IS still "Old Man Doctor." Eccleston would have snap-kicked that caveman in the fuckin' throat and dusted off his jacket. But, I digress; Fire good, strangers bad. CREDITS!

Episode 2 - The Cave of Skulls - 2.5 out of 5

Umm...awesome hair on those cavemen?
First mention of the "Doctor Who?" joke.
Crazy old cave-woman spouting prophecy.

Most of the episode is cavemen-centric.
That one caveman who looks like Will Ferrell is distracting.
Not a single goddamned "Oooga" or "Booga."

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